10 Ideas for Novice Quilters to Start Their Quilting Journey

Putting Quilting Skills to Work in Quick, Easy-to-Finish Crafts

A full-size quilt typically takes a few weeks to finish for novices. These huge projects fit an entire bed, and they can be daunting for beginners who want to start the craft. If you’re ready to embark on your quilting journey, start with these smaller projects so you get the hang of it without a lot of frustration.

Smartphone Case

Quilted smartphone cases use small scraps sewn together to make a patchwork case. These items would also make great gifts.

Table Runners

Table runners add a decorative touch to every festive occasion.

Dish Towels

Everyone needs dishtowels, and quilted ones are a snap to make.

Baby Blocks

Create soft toys for your newborn with simple, six-sided baby blocks. These items also make great gifts for new moms.

Wall Quilts

Wall quilts can be as big or as small as you want them. Create some that are the size of 8-by-10 inch photographs or poster-sized at 2 feet by 3 feet.