12 Great Ideas for Handprint Keepsakes

Save That Little One’s Handprint or Footprint for Years to Come!

Handprint Sunshine

For your little sunshine, a handprint can become a bright, beautiful sun. Grab some craft paper and yellow paint. Coat your child’s hands in yellow and make two prints with the fingers facing opposite directions and the palms overlapping. The finger marks form rays of sunshine! Add a smiley face and the date for extra pizzazz.

Footprint Trucks

For kids who love playing with cars and trucks, a footprint truck is the perfect at-home activity. Let your child decide what color she wants her truck to be, then paint up her foot and place it down. Use black paint or marker to add wheels and windows.

Footprint Caterpillar

Your little caterpillar is soon to be a butterfly. Use green paint to make your footprint, then embellish the print with lines, and a smiley face.

Footprint Lighthouse

This one requires a little bit more preparation. Paint up your little one’s foot in white, and add a stripe of red. Paint the toes grey—they form the rocks in the finished product. Add little details once the paint has dried.