4 Overlooked Areas of the Home and How to Clean Them

Get Down and Dirty With These Clever Cleaning Tips for Overlooked Spaces

Deep Clean Your Outlet Covers

Soak your outlet covers in vinegar to eliminate dirt and grime buildup. Wipe the covers down, and let them dry completely before reinstalling.

Degrime the Power Sockets

Turn off the power supplying the outlet first, and then use a cotton swab dampened with a degreaser to wipe away the gunk around the sockets.

Revive Cast Iron With Salt and Potatoes

Coarse sea salt is the perfect abrasive for your favorite cast iron skillet. Coat your skillet generously with salt, and use half of a raw potato to scrub away stuck-on food pieces.

Dry and Season Your Skillet

Rinse the clean skillet with warm water, and pat dry. Use a paper towel to spread a thin layer of oil over the bottom of the pan, and place it in a 400-degree oven for one hour. Cast iron typically turns cloths and towels black, so it’s a good idea to give these dishes their own dish towel.