Crochet Troubleshooting: Common Mistakes And Frustrations.

Whether it’s tension issues, getting the right size or not finishing the row properly, we’ve all ran into our own frustrations while crocheting.

Whether it is tension issues, getting the right size or not finishing the row properly, we have all run into our own frustrations while crocheting, regardless if we are new to the craft or have been doing it for years, it is just a part of the constant learning process.

Thankfully, we have Melanie from iheartstitching with us today to help cover some of the more common issues crocheters will face, especially during their beginning days, and how to avoid and solve said issues!

We hope you find this helpful and once you have heard Melanie’s advice, be sure to leave any of your own advice in the comments below so we can all learn, grow and become better crocheters from one another! We can not wait to hear what you think and any of your helpful hacks and advice!