She Puts A Colander On Her Head After Showering… When You See The Result, You’ll Do It Too!

These easy hair care tips will make your morning routine so much easier!

We’re always looking for ways to save time in the morning, and since we can’t make the kids get out of bed any faster (try as we might), or magically make traffic lighter, saving time usually means sacrificing part of our own morning routine! With this brilliant hair tips, you’ll be able to save time and still look great in the morning! Make sure to watch the video on the last page for even more tips and instructions on each of the hair tips below.

Easy, Elegant Ponytail

When you’re in a hurry, it’s easy to default into one or two hairstyles. For me, it’s a messy bun or a low side bun if I’m feeling fancy. It’s nice to have easy options that look great and are a break from the normal routine! Try this easy and beautiful hair twist. Simply gather your hair at the back of your head like you’d do for a low ponytail. Twist your hair all the way to the ends, and make an opening on the left side of the hair closest to your head. Put the twist through the opening. Make another opening on the right side, and put the hair through that opening as well. You’ll have a beautiful new look!